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 Fifth level at a glance:

Do humans apply violence and injustice only to others? "Yama" is the permanent laws of the universe


Welcome to the beginning step of advanced yoga moves! Performing advanced and endurance movements increases our muscle strength. Endurance exercises increase the metabolism in the muscles and eliminate excess moisture and toxins in them, and finally, you will experience a pleasant feeling of strength in the body. According to the advice of the great yoga masters, doing advanced asanas, not being violent to ourselves and accepting ourselves (as we are), and not depending on habits and behavioral patterns, etc. will lead to not harming the body while performing movements.


Experiencing pleasure at any level and space carries the risk of making us fall into fixed and automatic behavior patterns without awareness. And finally, it creates addiction and dependence on us and gives us a false identity that causes personal and collective suffering and harm. 


Yoga has eight stages and the first is called “Yama". Yama comprises five important laws, which are universal and eternal. By following these rules, we will feel more in harmony with the universe, cause less damage, and have the same amount of happiness and peace.


Yama's five laws:


Ahimsa: non-violence and non-harm


Satya: truthfulness or honesty


Asteya: non-stealing or rectitude


Brahmacharya: control of desires, especially sexual desire and chastity or celibacy


Aparigraha: non-attachment, non-greed

To learn more about the practical exercises of this semester, click on the link of the sessions: