Why Sina Yoga?

Benefits of Sina Holistic Yoga

Sina Holistic Yoga, the manifestation of all styles for the elderly, the young and the children

Sina Yoga teachings are specialized, diverse and have different levels
The Instructors are professional and exclusive
Suitable For All Ages (From Children To Grandmothers And Grandfathers)
It is a complete system with both mental and physical practices
With Sina Holistic Yoga method you will learn the best of all styles
Sina Yoga teachings and exercises are designed according to the modern human mind and body
Welcome To The Official Website Of Sina Holistic Yoga Teachings.

A Space For The Union Of Mind And Body

Sina Yoga teachings include two groups of mental courses (meditation, Yoga Nidra, etc.) and physical courses (asanas). And depending on our needs, we can start from each one.

But perhaps the most suitable option for a professional and standard start is the physical exercises course (asanas). Asana classes (physical exercises) are designed in seven Levels (from basic to sixth and advanced level). And the basic level is the most appropriate option to prepare the body and start the journey to inner peace. In this way, in the higher levels, your body will learn the alphabet of movements, and you will avoid the possibility of injury and will have deeper experiences.

Sina Holistic Yoga, Yoga For Everyone

Sign Up For Sina Comprehensive Yoga Courses (Face-To-Face, Online, Tours)

At Sina Yoga, we open the door to health, vitality, liberation and love. And we will all benefit from this opening.




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Sina Yoga Instructors

The Professional Team Of Sina Holistic Yoga

All instructors in this group are approved by the IRI Yoga Association and under the supervision and guidance of Mr. Sina Samimi.

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